Kingsley Chibuike Ugbechie (PhD), Stephen Ifeanyi Elue, Ilelinachi Chimbuzor Obialor


The continual patronage of E-commerce has gone unabated especially amongst teens to the detriment of the brick-and-mortar shop, such that the motivational factor of such an act has become paramount to marketers. Consequently, the study intended to empirically investigate the effect of hedonic motivation amongst male teenagers towards the patronage of E-commerce using two precise objectives of hedonic motivation that include, the evaluation and examination of the role of idea and social shopping respectively on E-commerce pstronage. A survey research design was adopted to purposively sample 193 final respondents drawn from three semi-urban towns across the three senatorial districts of Delta State. Results from the Wilcoxon signed rank one sample analyses for the data set indicated that both idea and social shopping have positive and significant effects towards the patronage of E-commerce among male teens. The outcome led to the conclusion that idea-seeking is an important factor driving teenage consumers to E-commerce. The study recommended that marketers on E-commerce platforms should establish a ‘fan club’ for each specific product to create bonding among such brand loyalists.


Hedonic motivation, E-commerce, Idea shopping, Social shopping

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