The grass root areas of Nigeria are confronted with the challenges of underdevelopment regardless of the huge revenue that the local government councils received. This article look at the task carried out by local government administrations towards grass root development in Nasarawa state of Nigeria between 2018–2023 focusing specifically on Health care development. The qualitative research method was adopted in which the purposive sampling technique was used where nineteen (19) participants were selected and interviewed and the NVivo 12 software was used to process the data obtained. The findings revealed that local government administrations in Nasarawa state have failed to transform the grass root areas as expected. Further study revealed that the grass root areas of Nasarawa state in Nigeria are confronted with the challenges of lack of primary health care centres in rural areas, lack of drugs, lack of qualified medical personnel, lack of good drinking water among others that have hindered the development of health care in the grass root areas of the state. The study therefore, recommends that the local government councils should construct more primary health care centres in the rural areas, supply adequate drugs, employ qualified medical personnel and post them to the rural areas to work.
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