Proliferation of small arms and light weapons (SALW) among youths is a global issue that has serious implications for security and stability in many regions around the world including Benue State. Proliferation of SALW implies trading and movement of small arms and others dangerous weapons or firearms from one place to another illegally. There are several factors facilitating the proliferation of SALW among youths in Benue State, including porous borders, high levels of poverty and unemployment, weak State institutions and ethnic conflict. Political instability, the presence of non-state actors and corruption are also associate factors. The study objectives were to assess how porosity of Benue borders facilitates proliferation of SALW among youths, to ascertain how poverty, unemployment, weak State institutions and ethnic conflict enhance proliferation of SALW among youths in Benue State. The study adopts social organization theory and routine activity as its theoretical framework. The study concludes that factors such as porous borders, high levels of poverty, unemployment, weak State institutions and ethnic conflict among others influenced proliferation of SALW among youths in the State. The study recommended for greater cooperation between security agencies and border communities to enhance intelligence gathering and sharing, while stiffer penalties should be imposed on individuals involved in the illegal arms trade. Also, government should implements policies and programs that target poverty reduction and job creation, such as skills acquisition training, microfinance schemes and entrepreneurship development programs.
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