Environmental concerns have arisen as a critical issue at global, national, and local levels, given their adverse effects on environmental quality and human activities. Throughout history, the origins of this phenomenon have been attributed to both natural environmental processes and human-induced factors. This research sought to evaluate the efficacy of a field-based learning approach in improving students' comprehension of environmental issues in Kafanchan, Nigeria. The research utilized a quasi-experimental design featuring a nonequivalent control group, incorporating both pre-test and post-test methodologies. The intended audience comprised students from both public and private educational institutions. The sample comprises 129 learners from four intact classes, selected through a proportionate stratified random sampling method, representing four boarding schools. Participants provided data through an environmental multiple-choice questionnaire. A content validity ratio of 0.99 was achieved through Lawshe's approach, and the homogeneity of the test instruments was evaluated using the Cronbach alpha method with an r-coefficient of 0.87. The data was collected and subjected to descriptive statistical analysis, incorporating measures such as frequency, mean scores, and t-tests. The objective of this study was to identify any statistically significant differences between the control and treatment groups. The study produced results that indicate statistical significance, evidenced by a p-value below the established significance threshold (p ≤ .05). It is evident that the treatment group demonstrate a higher average score in their understanding and knowledge of environmental hazards, in contrast to their counterparts in the control group, following the implementation of a field-based learning approach. The research findings demonstrated that the adoption of a field-based learning approach positively influenced learners' comprehension of environmental problems and hazards. It is recommended that environmental educators incorporate a field-based learning approach into their instructional methods to effectively convey knowledge about the environment and related issues.
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