Tar Jerome Madaki, Samuel Hiifan Taakper


This study empirically investigated the effect of work environment on employee’s productivity in Benue State University, Makurdi, Benue State. The study specifically investigated the effect of work life balance, team spirit, management support, and training opportunity on employee’s productivity in Benue State University. A survey design was employed for the study. The Population for the study is made up of six hundred and fifty (650) academic staff of the institution out of which a sample sized of 248 employees was drawn.  Data were collected with the use of structured questionnaire. Cronbach Alpha and factor analysis were employed to test reliability and validity of the instruments respectively. The data collected for the study was analyzed using descriptive statistical tools such as tables and simple percentages while the hypotheses were tested using multiple regressions. This was done with the aid of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS 23). Findings from the study shows that work life balance, team spirit, and management support and training have significant effect on employee’s productivity in the company. While training opportunity has no significant effect on employee’s productivity in the institution. It is therefore recommended (amongst others) that Management of organizations and Government should encourage employees by creating favorable work environment to enhance productivity and performance in a work place.


Work Environment and Employees’ Productivity

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