Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a serious mental health condition characterized by unstable relationships, emotional dysregulation, and impulsivity. Parenting styles have been identified as a significant factor that contributes to the development of BPD in adolescents. This study aimed to investigate the influence of parenting styles on the development of BPD among 240 adolescents in four schools in Enugu State, Nigeria. The study employed a cross-sectional survey design, using a self-report questionnaire to collect data namely Scale of parenting style for parenting styles and MC Screening Instrument for BPD symptoms. The results showed that authoritarian, permissive and neglectful parenting styles were significantly associated with BPD symptoms in adolescents, while authoritative parenting style was negatively associated with BPD symptoms. Specifically, adolescents from authoritarian, permissive and neglectful households reported higher levels of emotional dysregulation, impulsivity, and unstable relationships, which are hallmark symptoms of BPD. The study contributes to the understanding of the role of parenting styles in the development of BPD and highlights the need for parenting interventions to prevent the development of BPD among adolescents. It also supports the importance of authoritative parenting styles in preventing the development of BPD in adolescents.
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