The paper examined the impact of taxation on employment, using the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method for the analysis of data gotten from CBN statistical bulletin for the period of 1990 to 2013. The variables used in the analysis are RCDP, forms the dependent variable, tax revenue, employment, interest rate and real exchange rate, forms the independent variables. From the analysis, it was discovered that the unit root test which was applied to check the stationarity of the data, conform that the data was stationery after the analysis. It was also discovered that tax revenue and employment has a significant impact on economic growth in Nigeria. Statistically the t-.statistics of the variables under consideration indicates that the variables under consideration were significant and the overall estimates of the regression were statistically adequate. The Durbin-Watson statistic indicates that the entire regression is statistically significance, it was recommended and concluded that our tax policy should be properly monitored in other to encourage full employment in (the economy thereby promote economic growth in the country.
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