The study investigated the behavioural problems as correlate to female adolescent tendencies toward single parenthood in Anambra state. Two hypotheses were formulated at .05 level of significance. The study is a co relational survey as it seeks to assess the relationship between two variables, namely female adolescent with behavioural problem and tendency to single parenthood among adolescents. The study was carried out in Anambra state. The population of the study consisted of 10,041 senior students of the 60 government owned secondary schools in Awka Education Zone, Anambra State, Nigeria. The sample of the study comprised 1000 students. Simple random sampling technique was employed in selecting 20 schools, 4 from each of the five LGAs of the Awka Education Zone. The instruments for the study were two structured questionnaires namely, namely Female Adolescent with Behavioural Problem (FABP) and Tendency to Single Parenthood among Adolescents (TSPAA) was developed by the researchers. The instrument have a reliability of .87 for Female Adolescent with Behavioural Problem (FABP) and .78 for Tendency to Single Parenthood among Adolescents (TSPAA). The questionnaires were distributed to the sampled female students and were collected back by the researcher with the help of five research assistants. This was done in two weeks. The product moment correlation coefficient was used to test the two null hypotheses. Results of the studies showed that; There is no significant in the relationship between the urban and rural female adolescent with behavioural problem and their tendency to single parenthood. Recommendations was made that a good way of reducing behaviour problems among female students should be to ensure that the students have a healthy home environment that encourages the development of good social skills.
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