Z. C. Chukwuka


The incidence and terror activities of boko-haram in Nigeria can not be over-emphasised especially in the North Eastern part of Nigeria, its activities has led to a very high rate of death, human casualties and monumental capital loss in terms of society and its structural losses. This study is basically dependent on the use of secondary data newspaper reports, books and internet writings. The paper findings reveal that government clamp down on the group has reduced its evil assult on the Nation State of Nigeria and North East in particular, with hope that after the rooting out of Shambisha forest, the incident of Boko- Haram would soon be an incident of the past. The paper recommends that the Nation collectively attend to the incidence of very high unemployment rate in Nigeria and youth restiveness as a way of bringing about lasting peace in Nigeria.


Boko-Haram, Terror, Development, unemployment and youth restiveness

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