An Assessment of the Prospects and Challenges of Subsidy Re-Investment and Empowerment Program (SURE-P) of Former President Goodluck Jonathan on Nigerians

Muddassir Ahmad Gado, Sanusi AbdulWasiu


Subsidy re-investment and empowerment program (SURE-P) was a strategy and an economic empowerment policy introduced by the Goodluck Jonathan administration purposely to cushion the impacts of subsidy removal from Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) on Nigerians. This was designed to be achieved through the provision of infrastructure, social amenities, skills and other economic and social activities that would directly or indirectly impact positively on the lives of Nigerians. Programs ranging from road constructions, provision of buses, engaging youth into productive ventures and so on were introduced to this effect. Some level of success have been recorded in some aspects of the programs but also accorded lots of critisms mainly due to the programs’ inability to yield the expected results. Problems such as corruption, mismanagement of funds, misplacement of priorities, exclusion of some section of the population and what have you have been attributed to the program. This paper presents a discourse on issues related to subsidy as it affects SURE-P ranging from the conceptions of the program to its design, policy framework and implementation. It also discusses some of the achievements and challenges associated with the program, as such recommends, among other things, that subsidy, in itself, is desirous and should be extended to other facets of people’s needs. 


Assessment, Empowerment, Investment, Program, Subsidy

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