Emeka Nwosuji


The rate of poor academic performance among students in Nigeria tertiary institutions is continually on the increase, with its attendant effects on the educational sector in the country. This study therefore examined the effect of lecturer-student relationship as a factor for improving student's academic performance intertiary institutions.The main objective of this study is to assess the perception of students towards lecturer-student relationship and its impact on their academic performance. To achieve this, a descriptive survey design method was used, the questionnaire method of data collection was explored with the sample size of112 respondents, and the data gathered was analyzed using simple frequency and percentage method. The study found out that there is a significant relationship between lecturers and student relationship on improving student's academic performance.Recommendations such as change in the negative perception of students towards lecturers, creating curriculum in the academics that aids lecturer-student relationship,reducing lecturer-student ratio and creating policies that guide the principle of lecturer-student relationship inhigher institutions by either the state government or management of the university.

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