Destiny E. Agwanwo (Ph.D), Rowland Olumati (Ph.D)


The focus of this paper was on spiritual intelligence as an aspect of crime control: evidence from some selected law enforcement agents. The researchers adopted the socio-metry method of qualitative research. The study utilized both the primary and secondary method of data collection. Key informants interviews (KII) were conducted with some of the law enforcement agents identified to be spiritually intelligent so as to get the much needed information from them on spiritual intelligence and how it has helped them in carrying out their crime control responsibility. The findings of the paper showed that crime rate has become a huge social problem and government efforts to avert the problems have proven abortive as some of the criminals adopt spiritual means in perpetrating some of these crimes. Hence, the recourse to spiritual intelligence as a policing strategy to curb or control some of these crimes by some law enforcement agents. The findings also revealed that spiritual intelligence is helpful in the control of crime. The paper recommends a mix of physical and spiritual intelligence as panacea to crime problems in Nigeria.


Spiritual Intelligence, Strategy, Crime Control, Law Enforcement, Agents, Cosmos

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