Joy Ogangan, Ishaku Jibrin Umma, Ishaku Jibrin Umma, Ishaku Jibrin Umma


Good governance is a powerful key that unlocks the doors of development in any nation. It implies accountability, transparency, prevalence of the rule of law and popular participation. After 58years of independence and 20 years of democratic rule, Nigeria is still struggling with the issue of good governance, Nigeria is backward in education, infrastructural facilities, security, health care, electoral system among others. However there is hope for Nigeria to overcome all her challenges and become developed, this can be achieved through sound education and enthronement of visionary leaders who are focused, selfless and ready to work for the good of Nigeria. With the analysis of secondary data, the paper examines the concept of good governance, its challenges and prospect to development; it observes that corruption is the major challenges of good governance in Nigeria. It therefore recommends among others that government should wage war against corruption by empowering anticorruption agencies to curb the menace of corruption.


Good governance, Challenges, Prospects, Development, Corruption, Democracy

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