Longinus Ezejichiji (PhD)


There is a need to make use of smarter policing model such as intelligence led policing in reduction of technological enhanced crimes in Nigeria. Intelligence led policing concentrates on prolific and persistent offenders, this stem from the realization that a relatively small percentage of the population is responsible for committing crime. Intelligence led policing targets these groups in order to deter them from committing crime. This paper adopted qualitative method; an in-depth interview was used to elicit information from twelve carefully selected officials from the Nigeria Police, law enforcement and security agencies including officials from NAFDAC, EFCC, Nigerian Custom, Immigration and State Security. These participants were drawn from four Nigeria main cities including Lagos, Abuja, Port Harcourt and Uyo. Literature on intelligence-led policing and technology were consulted in order to get deeper knowledge concerning the advancement in methods of criminalities brought by technological innovations. This paper focuses on the use of intelligence led policing to reduce technological enhanced crimes. The finding indicates gross manifestations of technological enhanced crimes in Nigeria. Part of the recommendations from this paper includes but not limited to the combination of intelligence-led policing strategies and techniques as useful tools in combating technological enhanced crime. Holistic suggestions to improve the training of the criminal justice and intelligence officials on the implementation of Intelligence led policing in Nigeria was made in this paper.


Intelligence-led Policing, Technological Enhanced Crimes; Intelligence led policing Strategies and Techniques, Policing Paradigm and reduction of Crime

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