norbert Amaechi Agbanu (PhD, CLN), Ndid Grace Nwankwo (CLN), Ifesinachi Rita Ogalue (CLN)


This study investigated the availability and use of public library services among persons with disabilities in Professor Kenneth Dike State Central E- Library Awka. Survey research method was adopted for this study because it was considered more appropriate for this type of study. The population of the study consists of 22 librarians in the 11 branches of the public library scattered all over the State with Kenneth Dike Library as the headquarter situated in Awka Anambra State. The entire population was used as such there was no sampling. This is because the population was small and manageable. Data was collected for the study through the use of a self-developed questionnaire administered to the respondents by the researchers. The data obtained through the questionnaire was analysed using arithmetic mean (x) and tables. The major findings of the study were that the library library services designed for the disabled are not available in KDL except ramp and braille, none of the listed services for the disabled is being used, lack of fund is the major challenge KDL library faces in providing services for persons with disabilities. Based on the findings the study recommended among others that Apart from ramps and braille, other library services meant for persons with disabilities should made available in KDL Awka, the library management should create radio jingles and other means of public announcement to enable them inform the disabled within the community about the available services the library has for them. Government should pass disability discrimination act that protects the interest and rights of the disabled.


Public libraries, People with disabilities, Library services, Availability, Use

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