Gideon Chukwuka Isika


This study investigated the concentrations of fractions of copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) and their relationship with some soil physical and chemical properties. The sequential extraction procedure described by Oviasogie et al., (2011) was used to analyze composite soil samples collected at depths of 0-15cm, 15-30cm, 30-60cm, 60-90cm and 90-120cm from Idanre, NIFOR, Uhonmora, Dutse, Koko and Badagry. The fractions determined were the water soluble, exchangeable, carbonate bound, plant available, oxide bound, amorphous oxide bound, crystalline oxide bound, organic matter bound and residual fractions. The fractionation scheme revealed that the concentrations of water soluble, exchangeable, carbonate bound, plant available, and organic matter bound Cu and Zn fractions reduced with depth while oxide bound, amorphous oxide bound and crystalline oxide bound fractions had higher concentrations in the deeper horizons. Cu was primarily present in the bound to amorphous oxide, residual and plant available fractions, while Zn was predominant in the residual and crystalline oxide bound fractions. Zn occurred more than Cu in the entire soil profiles investigated. The reducible forms of copper and zinc showed negative correlation with pH, organic carbon, total N, available P, sand and silt while the water soluble, exchangeable, carbonate bound, plant available and organic matter bound fractions showed positive correlations with the aforementioned soil properties. Clay had positive correlations with the former and negative with the latter.


speciation, heavy metal, sequential extraction


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