Frank-Collins Nnamdi Okafor, Emeka Ikezue


This paper seeks a way forward by exploring into the historical and political economic conditions which has made Africa a beggarly continent and the black man in general a burden to the world. The paper identifies Africa’s doodling fortune in the midst or plenty as unfortunate. it sought to explain the role of African and black studies in salvaging the African predicament of under development. It identifies foreign investments in Africa as paradoxically translating to investments as avenues to develop the continent. In a cultural perspective, it analyzes the contributions of the African/black studies as having great prospects of repositioning Africa, the feats of the creative and enterprising black Agrarians who rose from the dust of slavery to prominence in America.The paper concludes that information is power, thus placing the responsibility of informing the black race on the African/black studies. It proffers possible recommendations which could help to place African and the black race on a path to development.

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