Uchenna Patricia Ekwugha (PhD), Nkiru Angela Nwammuo (PhD), Ekene Godfrey Okafor


The indiscriminate disposal of solid waste had begun to constitute environmental nuisance and pollution in Nigeria as they exhaust the dumpsites, clog drainage channels, encourage breeding of mosquitoes and worsens the spread of diseases. The Cradle to cradle theory, as applied to this work suggests that certain products could be reused endlessly to make similar products (cradle to cradle), rather than recycled into lower-grade products until the last stop is a landfill (cradle to grave). However, the work is premised on the significance of waste recycling as well as the need for positive reaction and public enlightenment on the idea. This work is also a convergence of various academic literature on the concept of recycling; the concept of solid waste management; the concept of waste; the concept of waste management, the concept and importance of recycling. The work further looked at the process of waste collection and the need for solid waste recycling in Anambra State and further explored the existing studies on these areas. The work therefore recommends that the government should adopt the idea of recycling of these wastes as part of measures of ensuring effective waste management because recycling will help turn them into valuable resources.


Waste: recycling; waste management; waste collection; Public Enlightenment

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