Njideka T. Ebisi (PhD)


The history of our nation Nigeria has been one characterized by severe and often violent crisis since its birth which has continued to threaten its existence as one indivisible nation.   The state has been experiencing myriads of complex socio-political, ethno-religious, economic crisis emanating from inequality, corruption, oil disputes, insurgency and many others from tribal differences.  Nigeria as a nation has had to contend with Boko Haram in the north, the Niger Delta Avengers in the south, now faced with one of the deadliest conflicts that has continued unabated and dangerously politicized.  This conflict is mainly between the farmers and nomadic cow herders of Fulani extract.  This paper attempts to examine the antecedents of these conflicts across the south eastern states with a view to identifying the underlying causes of this crisis and its general impact on the south east region of Nigeria.  The paper adopted a qualitative research approach, drawing data from both secondary and primary sources.  Study revealed that there have been persistent attacks on communities of the south east with increased criminal activities of kidnapping, rapes, wanton destruction of farmlands and loss of lives.   Therefore, the paper recommends among others the reformation of existing ranches and establishment of new ones in the northern parts to curb cattle roaming; address environmental challenges of desertification that force herders southward, strengthen law enforcement and security strategies that will ensure equitable justice; restructuring of the already community vigilantes to modern community police for immediate response to crisis.


Third Conflict, Nigeria, Implications, South East

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