The study investigated influence of job related tension and organizational politics on organizational commitment among staff of Benue State University, Makurdi. A cross-sectional design was used for data collection in the study. Two hundred participants comprising of 122(61.0%) males and 78(39.0%) females were drawn from various faculties and departments using convenient sampling. Data were collected using Job Related Tension Scale (JRTS), Organizational Politics Scale (OPS) and Organizational Commitment Scale (OCS). The data collected was analyzed using simple and multiple regression, mean and standard deviation. The results revealed a significant influence of job related tension on organizational commitment among staff of Benue State University, Makurdi and a significant influence of organizational politics on organizational commitment. Furthermore, the result showed a joint influence of job related tension and organizational politics on organizational commitment. It was concluded that, job related tension and organizational politics both have a significant impact on organizational commitment. It was therefore recommended, private organizations should imbibe the habit of creating favorable organizational politics that will encourage organizational commitment of their staff. Organizations, be it private or public should always have good welfare package for its staff to compensate the tension and stress experience by their employees to promote organizational commitment. Organizations, be it private or public should always create a frame work of organizational political behavior that will enhance employee commitment.
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