The third of the Sustainable Development Goals is to ensure healthy living and promote well-being for people by 2030 and this partly depends on the availability, accessibility and affordability and subsequent consumption of both social and economic goods and services which are outcome of economic growth which requires production activities. The attainment of high levels of economic growth could have implications for pollution of the environment caused through productive activities. This paper examined the implication of foreign direct investment, government expenditure on health and economic growth on the level of environmental pollution in Nigeria. Time series data were collected and analyzed using E-View statistical package. The paper found out that a positive and significant relationship exists between economic growth and Environmental pollution and that Net FDI was unexpectedly found to be negatively correlated with environmental pollution. This supports the popular Pollution Halo hypothesis. The paper therefore recommended that government should pay more attention to the health sector in terms of allocating more resources for preventive. Moreover, in as much as investment drive is crucial for economic growth, mass consumption and welfare, the government should ensure environmentally friendly production and consumption to minimize environmental pollution and there is need for better enforcement of existing pollution policies.
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