This study examined the distributional pattern of bakery and challenges of bread hawkers in Lagos, Nigeria (Badagry Local government as a case study) and to know the socio-demographic status of street hawkers. The paper is based on the information collected from the field survey. After the target decided, a total of 150 structured questionnaire was prepared (close ended questions) with very few open ended questions. The information was obtained via face-to-face interviews and the bread hawkers were asked about their demographic characteristics, while descriptive statistical analysis (frequency and percentage) were adopted also 50 of the bakeries were mapped to know it distributional pattern. Findings revealed that the study was conducted on 33% male and 67% female. 94% of these hawkers are in their economically active years, significant portion of the bread hawkers (31%) had been sexually harassed. The study also revealed some health challenges faced by these bread hawkers such as Lack of sleep (19%), Tiredness (33%), Body pain (41%) amiss others. It further revealed that 39% of these hawkers use self-medication when sick and 61% pays the bills themselves. The result of the findings also showed that the clustering pattern of the bakeries in Badagry was influenced majorly by large market which provided the basis for the sale of the produce. It’s therefore recommended that, the government must genuinely see to development policies that would create a measure of sustenance for the people at low levels (bread hawkers). Creation of one large market should be encouraged to bring about agglomeration of the product at a spot and this will eventually improve sales of the hawkers and also reduce the distance travel.
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