Kayode Emmanuel Igbekoyi, Olugbenga David Dada


The study examined public perception on community policing and crime control in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Security is a necessity in every human society and the implication is that, its absence threatens the survival of individuals and their properties. This is why governments worldwide invest huge resources to ensure that lives and properties of their citizens are secured. However, it is still argued that, no government has the wherewithal to supply one hundred percent security for her people, and no matter how endowed and organized a country is, it can hardly be devoid of security challenges. The study adopted purposive method in which three local government areas namely; Ado local government areas (Ekiti Central), Ikere local government areas (Ekiti South) and Ikole local government areas (Ekiti North) were selected. The study made use of quantitative methods of data collection and as a result, three hundred (300) copies of questionnaire, in which one hundred (100) copies were distributed to each local government areas were used to illicit information from the respondents. The study revealed that 62.7% have heard about community policing while 37.3% of respondents have not heard of community policing before. Also, majority with 36% of the total respondents believed that it is involving the community or local people in policing their community through the use of local vigilantes. On the effect of community policing, 30% of the majority believed that it helped in controlling crimes with the aid of information and supporting agencies. The study therefore concluded that controlling crimes in Nigeria is a daunting task for law enforcement agencies and as a result, community policing will be an effective mechanism in controlling crimes. The study thereby recommended that, to achieve the desired full impact, relevant stakeholders need to revisit the program, address the weaknesses, work against the threats and utilize as best as possible the available opportunities. also, Government needs to support and promote community oriented policing style as well as create more enlightenment to the public and inform the police of any criminality.


Community, Control, Crime, Policing and Public Perception

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