Prof. Gabriel O. Alegbeleye, Babatunde Kayode Ayilegbe, E. Madukoma (PhD)


The study aims at investigating whether human capital development is one of the predictors of service delivery by health information management (HIM) professionals in government teaching hospitals in Nigeria. Some patients are not getting the desired outcome in the level of their care from healthcare professionals in the hospitals. The study therefore examined whether human capital development which was applied through various means is a predictor of service delivery, and to come up with strategies for improved health services. Thus, descriptive and inferential statistics were used in the analysis of the data with Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) version 22. Relevant literature including theories were reviewed. During the analysis of the data, it was discovered that human capital development which comprises manpower training and career development had high positive and significant influence on service delivery of HIM professionals in government teaching hospital in Nigeria. The study further revealed that some factors can militate against effective service delivery, and strategies through which these can be ameliorated or prevented were highlighted and elucidated. The study recommended sponsorship of HIM professionals for the acquisition of higher degrees in various universities, in-house training, job rotation, knowledge sharing, on-the-job training and enforcement of institutional policies on human capital development by the government in order to enhance the capacity of HIM professionals for the achievement of quality service delivery in healthcare facilities. 


Service delivery, patients, healthcare facility, human capital development, health information management professionals

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