Ngozi Theresa Onuora


Since ages, death has been the greatest enemy to man. It is a word that brings shock to every man both psychologically and emotionally. It looks so elusive when it arrives. Death is regarded as final crises of life. It is a turning point in the life of both man and woman. It is an intruder into everybody’s life. Death is the word in dictionary which both literates, illustrates and semi-literates know the meaning without more explanation. It is inevitable that death must come as a necessary end of every man, no matter how rich, beautiful, handsome, big and strong someone is. It is not seen with naked eyes but nobody can escape it when it comes. This word has made man not to enjoy life eternally on earth. It is inescapable and beyond human control, therefore it has no respect. That is why Udenu people’s expression runs thus: “ọnwụ enweghị onye ọ sọrọ nsọ". No other word frightens man like death. The study was carried out to find out the view of some scholars concerning death, the Udenu people’s view on death, and their burial rites. The people’s cultural belief on life after death, it was found that the people oppose the assertion that “death is the end of life”. Finally, suggestion and conclusion were made.

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