This study focused on work environment and administrative effectiveness of Lagos state judiciary. This study adopted a survey research design with a population of 328, the target population for this study consists of the administrative staff of the Lagos State High Court which includes court clerks, lawyers, registrars, verbatim court reporters and judges. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 250 staff of the court. The main instrument for data collection was a self-designed structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was tested for validity and reliability. Data analysis was done by means of percentage distribution, mean and standard deviation as well as regression analysis respectively. Findings showed that work environment (β=0.400, t (194) = 6.110, p < 0.05) had a positive and significant influence on the administrative effectiveness in Lagos state Judiciary. The study showed that the extent of administrative effectiveness in the Lagos State Judiciary was high (overall mean score = 3.89) on a five-point scale. It reveals that the work environment in Lagos state judiciary is highly conducive (overall mean = 4.11). The paper therefore recommended that the current work environment of Lagos state Judiciary should be sustained.
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