Assoc. Prof. K. Egbulonu, A. O. Chikezie, Marylyn Njoku


The dwindling effect of industries on the growth of the Nigerian economy and SME performance prompted this study. Data was ascertained from Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin and National Bureau of Statistics Publication. The Paper employed the OLS Technique to capture the effect of Small and Medium enterprise on Industrial growth.  The findings of OLS (Ordinary Least Square) test revealed that all the variables that mirrored Small and Medium Enterprise in Nigeria were significantly impacting on Industrial growth, only credit to Small and Medium enterprise and lending rate had same expectations as the former was sharing a positive relationship with Industrial growth and latter a negative relationship with Industrial growth. Therefore the paper concludes that the role of SME has dominated worldwide economic thinking with evident researches and surveys showing the impact of SMES and a driver of Growth.


Industrial Growth, SME.

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