C. N. Ikonne (PhD), H. O. Agboola


The study evaluated the information needs of health service provider on the health status and quality of life of internationally displaced person (IDPs) camp. The study adopted a descriptive cross sectional design to assess the information needs of Health Service Provider on the quality of life and health status of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) camps in Abuja and a structured questionnaire was used to elicit response from respondents. The review indicated findings which reveal lack of adequate health information need on the part of health service provider. A number of health challenges were reported which include fever/malaria (48%), Respiratory problems (45%) and water or bloody diarrhea (22%) while over half of the respondence suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder. Recommendation include strengthen the important role of the international community provision of a legal framework on the “Guiding principles on internal displacement regardless of sovereign of the affected IDPs. Sufficient humanitarian and health rights law must be implementing and tailor to meet the needs of internally displaced person. Health service provider need of information on IDPs should also go beyond service oriented but must cover information on all categories of patients. Which include prevention of communicable diseases and thereby improving their quality of life.


Health related, quality of life, Pregnant women living with HIV/AIDS, Ogun State

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