Emmanuel Uzuegbu-Wilson (PhD)


Since independence of the Nigerian state in 1960, insecurity remains the greatest hindrance to sustainable development with varied issues of insecurity emanating from a wide range of sources overtime. While the state adopts different models to combat the security challenges generated, the deficits in the  management of security sector governance becomes an  issue of great concern and need to be factored as a critical component for maintaining and sustaining development and human security. This is against the backdrop that the law enforcement system in Nigeria is fraught with a lot of issues and challenges that negatively impact on development. This paper therefore reviewed the human security challenges facing the Nigerian state and critically examined the role that securitysector governance plays in addressing those developmental challenges. The paper adopted a historical approach and qualitative descriptive method of research and also human security provisioning as theoretical framework for analysis. Thepaper concluded that a comprehensive reform of the of the security sector with a standard set for security governance remains critical to efforts aimed at addressing the developmental challenges of Nigeria.


Security Sector, Governance, Reform, Development.

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