Anthony Ogechi Osuji, Ejike C. Okoroafor, Ujah Oji Oji


This paper is a discourse on the interactions between  transformational leadership, good governance and the quest for sustainable industrial development in Nigeria. The leadership problem in Nigeria is a major challenge to its efforts and development in all ramifications of human and national spheres, including in the area of industrialization which is the major driver of economic growth in any economy. Nigeria has problem in producing leaders who have vision and wisdom to lead as moral and transformational leaders; and this situation has led to the perennial lack of good governance which has culminated into poor economic growth and national development. The paper, basically, establishes the imperative of the synergy of transformational leadership and good governance in ensuring that Nigeria’s efforts towards industrial growth is pursued more vigorously with the desired impetus that can guarantee appreciable success at sustainable industrial development within the timeframe of the sustainable development goals which targets 2030 deadline. The paper identifies the practices of  transformational leadership and good governance as capable of providing the innovative ideas, policies and development plans that can adequately tackle the numerous challenges of the national industrial sector for positive turnaround. It recommends, among others,credible elections through which the Nigerian electorates should elect transformational leaders who can deliver good governance with initiatives and policies for sustainable industrial growth and development in Nigeria.

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