The crisis of funding education gave birth to the formation of Education Tax Fund (ETF) in 1993 later was changed to Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TET-fund) in 2011. Given the role of university education in performance of any country, the need for such finance to improve education cannot be over emphasized. This study assessed TET-fund intervention programmes in Gombe state university, for the period of 2009-2019, specifically in the areas of infrastructural development, academic staff development and conference attendances respectively. Two research questions were formulated to guide the study. Data were collected documented from Director Works Gombe state university, TET-fund intervention implementation committees on study fellowship and conference attendances among others and was analyzed qualitatively. The Public Goods Theory was used as a theoretical framework. From the findings made so far, TET-fund has contributed more on infrastructural development, than academic staff development in the university. Accordingly, it is recommended that, Gombe state government should assist in the funding capital projects or infrastructure and academic staff development rather than depending fully on TET-fund interventions.
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