The study explores the joint influence of perception and use of medical information resources on job performance, job-specific task and non-job-specific task proficiencies of medical practitioners in teaching hospitals in South-West Nigeria. The study adopted the survey design to investigate six teaching hospitals in the South-western Nigeria. Multi-sampling was used to administer 391 copies of questionnaire to the medical practitioner but 390 were returned for data analysis, making the response rate to be 99.7%. Data obtained were analyzed using inferential statistics (simple linear regression). Findings revealed that perception of medical information resources (MIR) and use of medical information resources jointly influenced job performance, job-specific-task and job-specific-task proficiencies of medical practitioners in university teaching hospitals in South-West, Nigeria. It was, therefore, recommended that for medical practitioners to success in achieving optimal job outcome, these factors (perception of medical information resources and use of medical information resources) should be put into consideration by the management of the teaching hospitals in university teaching hospitals in South-West, Nigeria. Nonetheless, the management must bear in mind that the medical practitioners can still be proficient in their job and non-job specific tasks even when they do not utilize medical information resources.
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