Adeyinka Wulemat Olarinmoye


The tourism sector has grown to become a vital sector of the economy. The tourism sector is of great potential to national development becoming neglected in present-day Nigerian society. This, among other things, has led to the relegation of its great potentials in the development of the country's economy. This study attempted to examine the effect of tourism on the socio-economic activities of the people of Idanre. The qualitative approach was used, and both purposive and simple random sampling technique was also used in selecting the respondents. Four (4) Focus group discussion were held, the group interacted with ten (10) key-informants and over twenty (20) in-depth interviews were gotten in the course of data collection. Results indicate that tourism has an enormous effects on the socio-economic activities of the people. Apart from the economic aspect, tourism also affects their socio-cultural life, as the touristic period sees to the changes in daily routine of the people and leaves indelible mark on the social life of the people. Recommendations are made to boost the sector and suggestions for further studies were also made.

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