Adio Rasaq Adetona, Ezinwanyi Madukoma (PhD)


This study investigated the influence of organizational policies on job performance of health records officers in tertiary hospitals in North-Central, Nigeria.

The study used survey design. The population comprised 211 health records officers in five tertiary hospitals using EMR in North-Central, Nigeria. A sample of 136 was obtained using Krejcie and Morgan formula. Stratified sampling techniques was used to select the participants. A structured and validated questionnaire was used to collect data. Cronbachs alpha reliability coefficients for the constructs ranged from 0.84 to 0.91. The response rate was 96.3%. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential (simple and multiple regression) statistics. Findings revealed that organizational policies positively influenced job performance of health records officers (R2 = 0.312, β = 0.558, t(128) = 7.640, p < 0.05). Relatively, work equipment (β = 0.450, t(124) =3.898, p < 0.05), Employee welfare policy (β = -0.010, t(124) = 0.111, p > 0.05) and policy on work environment (β = 0.173, t(124) = 1.317, p > 0.05) had positive influences on job performance of health records officers in tertiary hospitals in North-Central, Nigeria. Findings from the study also revealed that the level of job performance of health records officers in tertiary hospitals in North-Central, Nigeria was very high (x̅=3.58). Tertiary hospitals in North-Central, Nigeria practiced different organizational policies (x̅=3.08). Overall extent of EMR use was very high (3.65). The study concluded that organizational policies enhanced job performance of health records officers. The study recommended that job performance of health records officers which is high should be sustained while poor bonus, allowances and lack of free medical care for workers should be addressed by management of tertiary hospitals in North-Central, Nigeria.


Health records officers, Job performance, Organizational policies, Tertiary hospitals

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