This study examined the effectiveness of computer as individualized instructional method in Education in Ekwusigo L.G.A, Anambra State. A survey research design was used to select respondents for the study. A total two hundred (200) copies of questionnaires were distributed to the retrieved. In analyzing the two hypotheses stated for the study, the data collected were analyzed using percentages and Chi-square. The findings revealed that; there is no significant difference on the availability of computers and facilities for individualized instruction, there is significant difference between the achievement of students taught with individualized instruction and those taught with individualized instruction. Thus based on the the findings, the following recommendations were made. The government or the secondary to provide the necessary facilities, needed for individualized instruction. The administrative bodies should try in the aspect of employing qualified teachers and to be able to pay and retain them. The qualified or experience teachers employees should try as often as possible to be attending seminars, workshops and conference in other to learn and improve in their fields.
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