T. N. Ofor (PhD), Ifeanyi Omziri


This study assessed the effect of auditors rotation on the performance of banks in Nigeria; a study of Guaranteed Trust Bank (GTB), Zenith Bank Nigeria PLC and First Bank Nigeria PLC, from 2001-2020. Specifically, this study examined the effect of auditor’s tenure on the performance of Guaranteed Trust Bank (GTB), Zenith Bank Nigeria PLC and First Bank Nigeria PLC, in Nigeria. Multiple regression analysis and ex-post facto research design were utilized to test the hypotheses of this study. Based on the analysis conducted this present study concludes that audit tenure has a positive and insignificant effect on the performance of Guarantee Trust Bank (GTB) PLC in Nigeria. While audit fees has a positive and significant effect on the performance of Guarantee Trust Bank (GTB) PLC in Nigeria; Audit tenure has negative insignificant effect on the performance of Zenith Bank PLC in Nigeria; Audit fee has positive significant effect on the performance of Zenith Bank PLC in Nigeria; Audit tenure has negative insignificant effect on the performance of First Bank of Nigeria PLC; Audit fee has positive insignificant effect on the performance of First Bank of Nigeria PLC. The above results are based of 5% level of significance. It was recommended that, banks, should always employ the services of one of the big audit firms since it results to improved audit quality; and auditors firm relationship with the bank should exceed 3 years, by so doing the auditor may develop good strategies of improving the financial quality of the bank.


Mandatory Auditors Rotation, Auditors Tenure, Auditors Fees, Bank Performance

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