The research project bothers on public perception of violent crime and third party policing in crime prevention and control in Abia State College of Education (Technical), Arochukwu, Abia State, Nigeria. The central theme of third party policing is engagement of private citizen, who ordinarily has no business with policing activity with a view to prevent or Control crime. The study used cross- sectional research design. The targeted population of the study includes persons between the age of 18 years and above. The sample size of 200 respondents was selected from the entire population constitutes students and staff of the college, through purposive sampling technique. In addition 10 Security private personnel were selected for In-Depth interview (IDI) through systematic sampling technique. The instruments of data collections were the questionnaire and In- Depth Interview (IDI). The data collected were analyzed with the help of the statistical Package in Social Sciences (SPSS) software. Descriptive statistics like frequency, percentage and tables were used to interpret the relationship between variables. The study revealed that more male respondents (60.5%) were able to perceive third party policing strategies effective in crime prevention than their female (39.5%) counterparts. Younger respondents (86.5%) viewed third party policing more effective than their older respondent (13.5%). Single respondents (73.6%) perceived third party policing more effective than their ever married (26.4) counterparts.
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