Lawrencia Rowland Uranta


This paper attempts to shed light on the interconnectedness of parenting and immorality in contemporary Nigerian society. It explores the impact of parental influence on the development of moral values in children and the consequences of immorality on societal well-being. The paper examines the intricate relationship between parenting and immorality in Nigerian secondary schools, emphasising the need for effective guidance and counselling interventions. It also highlights parenting practises, factors influencing parenting practises, family dynamics, and societal influences in shaping children’s and students' moral development generally. Additionally, it discusses the importance of guidance and counselling services in addressing moral challenges and promoting positive behaviour among Nigerian secondary school students. Drawing from existing research and theoretical perspectives, this write-up underscores the need for proactive measures to address these challenges and foster a more ethical and inclusive society. The paper concludes and recommends, among others, that the government should fund and establish guidance and counselling centres at all levels of the Nigerian educational system, to enable psychologists and counsellors to provide all round functional, psychological, and counselling services to all and sundry.


Parenting, Immorality, Guidance and counselling

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