This study investigates the roles and the effectiveness of Community Based Organizations (CBOs) in Enugu State. Questionnaire and focus group discussion were used in collecting the data for the study. It covered two urban and two rural Local Government Areas. The study was also based on a sample survey of representatives of 100 CBOs in four Local Government Areas of Enugu State. The primary data were complemented with four Focus Group Discussion (FGD) sessions for community members in the study area. The quantitative data were analysed with qualitative method of data analysis using frequency distribution, Tables and Chi-square statistics. Four hypotheses were formulated and tested using Chi-square (X2). The analysis of data revealed that CBOs play significant roles in community development processes and are committed to the execution of projects in their communities of operation. Community empowerment and good life-style among members of the community were found to be the top two priorities of the CBOs working in the local communities. Findings also show that there were healthy operational climates and relative independence on the part of the CBOs in relation to the selection and execution of projects. The study equally indicated that illiteracy and poverty were two most outstanding issues that retard the effectiveness of the CBOs. The result of the three hypotheses tested show that active participation of community people and achievement of CBOs objectives showed significant relationship. Significant relationship also existed between the achievement of CBOs that involve women in their operational activities than that of men and between urban on one hand, and rural counterparts on the other hand. These findings have lofty implications for community development in Nigeria. The study accentuated the need to harness the potentials of CBOs for proper mobilization of community members and effective community development.
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