Christian Chidozie Iyiani, Paulinus Sunday Okah


Poverty is a global threat to mankind and most nations, including Nigeria have been putting in place programmes, policies and initiatives to eradicate it. The National Poverty eradication Programme (NAPEP) was an attempt by the Nigerian government to eradicate poverty in the country. However, despite this laudable programme aimed at making poverty alien in our society, poverty rate has continued to rise; thereby making NAPEP appear helpless and ineffective in the face of poverty. This study explored factors responsible for the ineffectiveness of NAPEP as poverty eradication strategy in Ebonyi state. Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and In-depth Interviews (IDIs) were used to collect data from 55 purposively selected participants and the collected data were analyzed in themes and direct quotes. Findings revealed that policy inconsistency, poor coordination and implementation of projects, inadequate personnel, poor communication network between the agency and the people, poor funding, corruption, and politicization of projects were some of the barriers to effective operations by NAPEP. The study recommended repositioning of the agency and creating more awareness about its activities. Study equally recommended the inclusion of social workers in poverty eradication activities, especially in awareness creation and public enlightenment about NAPEP to make it more effective.


Ineffectiveness, Factors, Inclusion, Poverty eradication, Social work

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